I think this article "Melania Trump hosts her first event in the garden Michelle Obama founded", from the Washington Post is nice to read because it involved one of the most talked about women in 2017, Melania Trump. Mrs. Trump has been on many news articles which do not have the best headlines and paragraphs written about her. I am not a Trump supporter, but I did enjoy reading this post because it shined some light on the positives and good attributions the Trump family does. Michelle Obama started the White House Kitchen Garden, which is an interactive program that gathers children from clubs across the nation to teach them how to garden, eat healthy, and incorporate positive hobbies into their lives. It was great to know Melania kept this garden Michelle left behind. The garden gathers children involved in the Boys and Girls Club, planting some fruits and mainly vegetables. Mrs. Trump enjoys eating healthy foods and wants to share her interest in nutrition with younger children. The Trump family also sent the children off with White House home made honey and gardening kits, which was also very kind and I am sure will leave long lasting impressions for these children and an experience they will judge through physical interaction, not visual media. No matter what people may make of this positive effort from the Trump family, it doesn't matter. What matters is how the children were being helped and guided, hopefully it will influence others to garden more often or take part in their community and join a group such as the Boys and Girls Club. It is extremely important to read things that are going on in our country, but it can become a blur and filled with click baiting tactics, because the media is so good at twisting stories and bolding headlines, so when people who are constantly being harped on do something towards the benefit of others, it can only bring a smile to your face.
Link source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/melania-trump-hosts-her-first-event-in-the-garden-michelle-obama-founded/2017/09/22/03f3a854-9fbf-11e7-9083-fbfddf6804c2_story.html?hpid=hp_no-name_hp-in-the-news%3Apage%2Fin-the-news&utm_term=.52000831902e