While reading, TownHall's article, "Rep. Frank Praises HHS Definition of Life Beginning at Conception: High School Biology Students Know This", it seemed like just another white collar, ivy league graduate, religious, political male with another opinion filled with judgement.
Through my writings, I may seem as an un-animated political blogger because I naturally have a fair minded point of view, meaning I understand opposing views. Yet, my political side is usually triggered when it comes to politicians that are completely against abortion and same sex marriage topics, but still respecting their opinions. I find that abortions/pregnancy is an individual experience, it does not affect the population as a whole, yet people who are typically religious make it about them and God.
Stumbling across this article (which really means, exploring Republicans blogs to find which one triggers me most) I learned about a member of the political world, Trent Franks. Franks is is U.S Representative for Arizona's 8th congressional district and a member of the Republican party. Some of Franks positions in belief are opposition to abortion, gay rights, online gaming (random), and global warming. Just as I expected! Now, with all due, that is what typically summarizes a Republicans beliefs, understood, I am just drawn to some of his comments in the article such as referring to abortions as, "undesired persons", the words Frank used to describe abortions are completely misapplied and can influence others to propose this idea about abortions.
Abortions are yes, pregnancies that women to do not want to proceed with, but it is not because they desire to rid of a "person". An abortion can be one of the most difficult decisions to make, but when made, the women is thinking about not only her future, but the honest future she can provide for the innocent child. Explain this, Franks, a 16 year old has sex, becomes pregnant, decides to keep it because her religious family tells her she will burn in hell if she aborts it, will most likely not finish high school or college, will make minimum wage and will eventually have to fully support herself and then leading to my conclusion, having to rely on government financial aid, creating another stigma towards her from religious or non religious people as her being an irresponsible, horny, and uneducated 16 year old.
Now if she decided to keep the baby, yet be motivated to go to school and do something for her and her babies life, I applaud her, but this is an extremely hard task to do, which is why many young women or women in general that have children, rely on well fare. We then have a domino effect on ObamaCare being at risk, there for putting many people at risk with medical aid they already can not afford.
My conclusion is, political leaders have a microphone that can help IMPROVE and PROGRESS our country. We sing about our country being, 'the land of the free" since elementary school, is it really so free when people who simply want to chose each other as legal life partners cannot, because a certain party does not believe it is "sane"? Is that really portraying freedom? Not in my eyes. I am disappointed that is category still divides a group as being Republican or Democrat, those beliefs should be kept personal.
Through my writings, I may seem as an un-animated political blogger because I naturally have a fair minded point of view, meaning I understand opposing views. Yet, my political side is usually triggered when it comes to politicians that are completely against abortion and same sex marriage topics, but still respecting their opinions. I find that abortions/pregnancy is an individual experience, it does not affect the population as a whole, yet people who are typically religious make it about them and God.
Stumbling across this article (which really means, exploring Republicans blogs to find which one triggers me most) I learned about a member of the political world, Trent Franks. Franks is is U.S Representative for Arizona's 8th congressional district and a member of the Republican party. Some of Franks positions in belief are opposition to abortion, gay rights, online gaming (random), and global warming. Just as I expected! Now, with all due, that is what typically summarizes a Republicans beliefs, understood, I am just drawn to some of his comments in the article such as referring to abortions as, "undesired persons", the words Frank used to describe abortions are completely misapplied and can influence others to propose this idea about abortions.
Abortions are yes, pregnancies that women to do not want to proceed with, but it is not because they desire to rid of a "person". An abortion can be one of the most difficult decisions to make, but when made, the women is thinking about not only her future, but the honest future she can provide for the innocent child. Explain this, Franks, a 16 year old has sex, becomes pregnant, decides to keep it because her religious family tells her she will burn in hell if she aborts it, will most likely not finish high school or college, will make minimum wage and will eventually have to fully support herself and then leading to my conclusion, having to rely on government financial aid, creating another stigma towards her from religious or non religious people as her being an irresponsible, horny, and uneducated 16 year old.
Now if she decided to keep the baby, yet be motivated to go to school and do something for her and her babies life, I applaud her, but this is an extremely hard task to do, which is why many young women or women in general that have children, rely on well fare. We then have a domino effect on ObamaCare being at risk, there for putting many people at risk with medical aid they already can not afford.
My conclusion is, political leaders have a microphone that can help IMPROVE and PROGRESS our country. We sing about our country being, 'the land of the free" since elementary school, is it really so free when people who simply want to chose each other as legal life partners cannot, because a certain party does not believe it is "sane"? Is that really portraying freedom? Not in my eyes. I am disappointed that is category still divides a group as being Republican or Democrat, those beliefs should be kept personal.